
Swisha in terminsavgiften ange namn,födelsedatum och grupp du tränar i. Från och med VT-23 gäller följande. Barn,ungdomar och vuxna 1000kr/termin. Max 2000kr per familj. Nacka Karate SWISHNUMMER 1236712517

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No Default Folder Page Selected!

Please login using the link in your navigation bar and correct this problem. You must set the page that this folder should direct users to. If you wish to have a different type of behavior, please set a different display method for this folder. This can be done from the Architecture section of your website manager.
Errors occurred while processing template[pageRendered/noDefaultModule.st]:
StringTemplate Error: Can't parse chunk: {settingHomePageKBArticle}" target="_blank">Learn how.</a></li>
<li>If you have already selected a front page, make sure it is enabled. Click on the Cubes icon (top right) and then click the "enable page" button.</li>

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